Saturday, 18 December 2010

Satisfaction Study: Air Canada 5th Overall in North American Airlines...

J.D. Power and Associates just released their "2010 North American Airline Satisfaction Study", and Air Canada placed 5th in Overall Satisfaction.

The survey was based on responses from over 12,300 passengers who flew on a major North American Airline from April 2009 to April 2010. The results show that all Airlines improved in Overall Satisfaction by about 15% from 2009.

Here's the Article and Results from the J.D. Power and Associates Website:

Article: 2010 North America Airline Satisfaction Study
A recent study conducted by J.D. Power and Associates shows that overall customer satisfaction with airlines in North America has increased notably, with 10 of 12 airlines improving from 2009.

The 2010 North America Airline Satisfaction Study measures overall customer satisfaction based on performance in seven measures (in order of importance):

* cost and fees;
* flight crew;
* in-flight services;
* aircraft;
* boarding/deplaning/baggage;
* check-in;
* reservation.

Carriers are ranked in two segments: traditional network and low-cost. Traditional network carriers are defined as airlines that operate multi-cabin aircraft and use multiple airport hubs, while low-cost carriers are airlines that operate single-cabin aircraft with typically lower fares.

The 2010 North America Airline Satisfaction Study measures customer satisfaction of both business and leisure passengers with major North American carriers. The study is based on responses from more than 12,300 passengers who flew on a major North American airline between April 2009 and April 2010. The study was fielded between May 2009 and April 2010.
Here are the Rankings from the Study for Overall Satisfaction:
Traditional Network Carrier Rankings

1. Alaska Airlines
2. Continental Airlines
3. American Airlines
4. Delta Airlines
5. Air Canada
6. United Airlines
7. US Airways

Low-Cost Carrier Rankings

1. JetBlue Airways
2. Southwest Airlines
3. WestJet
4. AirTran Airways
5. Frontier Airlines
For the full detailed results, visit Traditional Network Carrier Rankings and Low-Cost Carrier Rankings on the 2010 North America Airline Satisfaction Study section of the J.D. Power and Associates website.

In regards to Air Canada, it had the following ratings from the Study:

Overall Satisfaction: 3/5 - Average
Reservation Experience: 3/5 - Average
Check-in Experience: 2/5 - The Rest (as in, Not The Best)
Boarding Experience: 3/5 - Average
Aircraft Experience: 4/5 - Better than Most
Staff Experience: 3/5 - Average
Service Experience: 4/5 - Better than Most
Cost and Fees Experience: 2/5 - The Rest (as in, Not The Best)

So, if you don't count the Check-in Experience and the Cost and Fees (see related article: 18% of Torontonians Crossing the Border to Fly), Air Canada Ranked Average or Better.

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